I Quit Adderall and Now I’m Microdosing Psilocybin
Magic mushrooms changed my mind, and that’s how I found my focus. An ADHD experience, six months later.
TL;DR: I’ve microdosed with psilocybin for six months. Here’s how it’s going, a Q&A with my social media followers, and an exclusive discount for ordering magic mushrooms products online (yes, really).
It’s not legal, it’s not formally approved for medical use, and it’s riddled with controversy, but I’ve been taking magic mushrooms every workday for six months.
Okay, fine.
To put it a little less salaciously, I’ve been taking a measured, consistent, low dose of mushrooms every weekday for six months to treat my troop* of mental illnesses. And the truth is, I’ve never felt better.
Did you know that a collection of mushrooms is called a “troop?” I didn’t until I just Googled it for this very reason. We learn a lot around here.
This was far from a random decision on my part, though I do my fair share of those. It’s not the complete picture as to why I decided to add shrooms to my daily vitamin intake, but the ongoing ADHD medication…